A prospective observational treatment study of aerococcal


Crafoordska stiftelsen Årsredovisning 2016 by Avabrava - issuu

Aerococcus urinae is a Gram-positive, catalase-negative coc-cus that was first described in the 1990s as a causative organism of urinary tract infections (1). A. urinae levels of 0.3 to 0.8% in urine specimens are reported, with a preponderance in pa-tients with underlying urologic conditions (6, 8 Keywords: Aerococcus, Aerococcus sanguinicola, Aerococcus urinae, antibiotic treatment, infective endocarditis, urinary tract infection Article published online: 8 October 2015 Corresponding author: M. Rasmussen, Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Division of Infection Medicine, Tornavägen 10, BMC B14, SE-221 84 Lund, Sweden prosthetic aortic valve caused by Aerococcus urinae. A. urinae affects elderly patients with comorbidities and urinary tract pathologies. Infective endocarditis should be suspected in all patients with Aerococcus bacteremia and urinary source is usually the source of bacteremia. Optimal treatment of A. urinae infective endocarditis is Aerococcus urinae is a Gram-positive organism, initially identified in 1992. It is known to cause urinary tract infections (UTIs), bacteremia, and endocarditis in humans.

Aerococcus urinae treatment

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Se hela listan på academic.oup.com Anbefalt behandling mot A urinae er ampicillin eller nitrofurantoin. Mikrobiologiske laboratorier bør ha rutiner for identifikasjon og resistensbestemmelse av A urinae. Aerococcus species are gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic cocci that form pairs, chains, or, most notably, tetrads. 46, 47 The genus was originally described in 1953 and now includes 5 species (viridians, urinae, christensenii, sanguinicola, and urinaehominis), of which A. urinae and A. sanguinicola produce most of the infections observed in humans. 46– 48 Aerococcus species are commonly Aerococcus urinae is a Gram-positive bacterium that can cause invasive infection, including infectious endocarditis (IE), mainly in older men.

This study reports the MIC results for 128 A. urinae isolates tested by broth microdilution.


Endocarditis should be suspected and, if confirmed, treated aggressively when A. urinae is recovered from blood cultures. So the key messages about Aerococcus urinae infections are: Aerococcus urinae is a significant cause of UTI (3%)and infective endocarditis (>90% if seen in blood culture) Treatment of Aerococcal UTI should ideally be with Amoxicillin OR Nitrofurantoin; Treatment of Aerococcal infective endocarditis should be with Amoxicillin PLUS Gentamicin Caso clínico.

Aerococcus urinae treatment

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Aerococcus urinae treatment

Proteus America guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria in adults." Clin Infect Dis  Aerococcus urinae.

Grupp 3. Kontamineringsbakterier från hud eller slemhinnor. Streptokocker i gruppen  av K Hedin — Colgan R, Williams M. Diagnosis and treatment of acute uncompli- antibiotic treatment with conventional treatment (14 days). BMC Aerococcus urinae. 0 %. A prospective observational treatment study of aerococcal urinary tract infection Identification of two abundant Aerococcus urinae cell wall-anchored proteins. sis treatment regimens and patient outcomes: an individual patient data meta-analysis Lund.
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Aerococcus urinae treatment

Conclusions: Aerococcus urinae is a rare microorganism usually found in the urinary tract, which until recently was thought to be a urinary contaminant lacking clinical significance. 2005-12-01 · The genus Aerococcus was initially described by Williams in his description of Aerococcus viridans (Williams et al., 1953). A. urinae was proposed as a new species based on analysis of 16S RNA sequences (Aguirre et al., 1992). A. urinae and A. viridans differ phenotypically in their reactions in the LAP and pyronylaminopeptidase (PYR) disk tests. 2018-10-17 · Background Aerococcus urinae is a gram-positive, alpha-hemolytic coccus bacterium primarily implicated in less than 1 % of all symptomatic urinary tract infections.

Proteomic and genomic profiling of Aerococcus urinae surface proteins identifies two urinary tract infections and to investigate treatment options for such. Jul 20, 2016 We present the case of an elderly male who was initially seen in our hospital for a urinary tract infection that was treated with oral ciprofloxacin. He had recently developed urinary incontinence and was treated for a possible urinary tract infection (UTI) within the preceding 2 months.
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Aerococcus urinae causes endocarditis, urinary tract infection, septicemia  Sep 17, 2013 A urinae and Aerococcus species are pathogens, but may be misidentified or unreported. Appropriate identification and treatment is important  Aerococcus urinae are typically susceptible to ampicillin, but resistant to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and gentamicin. Therefore, the proper discrimination of A. urinae infective endocarditis is not universally poor if the infection is recognised early and treatment with penicillin G is initiated promptly.

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Embolization is frequently reported with Aerococcus urinae endocarditis (AUE); hence, the presentation is highly variable. A prospective observational treatment study of aerococcal urinary tract infection. Journal of Infection, 2018 Apr;76(4):354-360.