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Fast Free Shipping! $ 42.82. Talpirid Mole Worms is a worm-shaped bait to be placed in tunnels that kills moles usually in 24 hours off of a single feed. Talprid mole killer works where grain baits, repellents, and a myriad of home remedies have failed. The worm shape of this product mimics the mole's natural food, and contains enhancers to attract moles.

Talpirid worms

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A 50 lb. dog would have to eat multiple worms in order to ingest a fatal dose. That being said, we do recommend preventing pets from digging the worms up and only using the worms in active runways so the moles are more likely to get it then a pet. To bait deep tunnels, drop one TALPIRID worm through the probe hole, using the probe to push the bait completely into the tunnel.

If ingested, limit absorption by either emesis or gastric lavage. Sublethal symptoms, if present, would be the result of cerebral edema and should be treated accordingly through administration of an osmotic diuretic and corticosteroid.

Bell Laboratories, Inc. - Startsida Facebook

The Bell Laboratories Talpirid 7150 Mole Bait Worms contain 20 worm-shaped lures in two spate trays. Like the first one, this one is also worm-shaped best mole bait and made of proven killer recipes.

Talpirid worms

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Talpirid worms

TALPIRID has been specially designed to mimic   28 Jul 2018 I've had very good success with the Talpirid worms, but dang they are pricey.

One Talprid mole bait worm contains a lethal dose and can kill in 24 hours. 1/2 box of Talpirid contains 10 worms, … TALPIRID Mole Killer is a worm-shaped mole bait scientifically proven to kill moles in lawns and gardens. Moles usually die in their tunnels. Moles can consume a lethal dose in a single feeding and die in as little as two days.
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Talpirid worms

To bait deep tunnels, drop one TALPIRID worm through the probe hole, using the probe to push the bait completely into the tunnel. Cover the hole with a piece of sod, a small rock or a piece of newspaper to allow for visual inspection. Repeat bait application every 5 to 10 feet of each active deep tunnel and within 5 feet of each active conical mound. 2010-02-16 Save talpirid worms to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed.

Moles can consume a lethal dose in a single feeding and die in as little as two days. TALPIRID is the first and only mole bait designed and scientifically proven to kill moles.
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2013-03-09 · TALPIRID is also available in cases containing 10 typical treatments (100 worms – 10 trays of 10 worms). Talpirid Mole Bait-1 Box BELL-1052.

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Mol - Den fullständiga informationen och online-försäljningen med

20 Worm Baits to Eliminate Moles: Lawn & Garden. Skip to main