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At first glance, it might be difficult to see any measurable degree of difference between these two terms. Both refer to an aspect of responsibility and both are important elements of control. Despite this, however, the terms “approved” and “authorized” are neither the same nor interchangeable. Svensk översättning av 'authorised capital' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online. Thus, authorized capital is the limit to which the companies can raise shares to the shareholders and not beyond it. Therefore, the companies get registered with capital, which is quite above their current needs of financing, so that the capital can be further raised when the need arises.

Authorised meaning

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Thus, authorized capital Find 16 ways to say AUTHORIZED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. She authorized her assistant to sign the papers. Hypernyms (to "authorise" is one way to): appoint; charge (assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to) Troponyms (each of the following is one way to "authorise"): entitle (give the right to) sanction (give authority or permission to) Sentence frame: Somebody ----s somebody. Sense 2. Meaning: Svensk översättning av 'authorised capital' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från engelska till svenska gratis online. 2020-03-31 · An authorized signatory is an individual who has legal power to sign an official document on behalf of someone else, according to The Law Dictionary. Authorized signatories also sometimes act on behalf of businesses to commit to binding agreements, notes BusinessDictionary.com.

This means that the  What Does Authorization Mean? Authorization is a security mechanism used to determine user/client privileges or access levels related to system resources,  authorize - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums.

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having official…. Learn more. authorize. If the latter view is correct, then reasonable but mistaken self-defense does not qualify as an example of legally authorized, private preemption.

Authorised meaning

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Authorised meaning

Service conducted by anyone other than an authorized service provider typically voids the warranty. Characteristics of an authorized service provider authorised person: A person (e.g., physician) who orders tests and receives test results on persons for whom payment is sought under Medicare. If payment is not sought under Medicare, the tests may be ordered by individuals authorised under state law to order tests or receive test results CLIA88 rules. The bill would authorize $850 million a year in grants to states to carry out school-improvement plans. authorize somebody to do something The Food and Drug Administration authorized the company to restart production. — authorized (also authorised British English) adjective The company has a large network of authorized dealers.

legitimate - of marriages and offspring; recognized as lawful. official - having official authority or sanction; "official permission"; "an official representative". 2.
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Authorised meaning

You can't authorize a computer from another computer or from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. authorised - endowed with authority. authorized.

We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. authorization [aw″ther-ĭ-za´shun] permission. insurance authorization in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as assisting the patient Authorised. meaning.
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Crossword Solver - Crossword Clues, synonyms, anagrams and definition of authorised AUTHORISED - crossword answers, clues, definition, synonyms, other words and anagrams Missing Link Privacy Authorised Signatory means, in relation to any person, an individual who is duly empowered to bind such person and whose authority is evidenced by a resolution of the board of directors (or any other appropriate means of authorisation) of such person, and, in relation to the Trustee, any individual named in the Trustee’s authorised signatory list having due authority to bind the Trustee, which list shall be provided by the Trustee from time to time; Authorized share capital is the number of stock units (shares) that a company can issue as stated in its memorandum of association or its articles of incorporation. verb (used with object), au·thor·ized, au·thor·iz·ing. to give authority or official power to; empower: to authorize an employee to sign purchase orders. to give authority for; formally sanction (an act or proceeding): Congress authorized the new tax on tobacco.

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Hitta flygresor från Helsingfors Vanda till Spanien och jämför priser från hundratals flygbolag och resebyråer i en och samma sökning. authorized version, also UK: authorised version n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (text: officially sanctioned edition) versión oficial nf + adj : versión autorizada nf + adj : The copy that you are reading is not an authorized version of the book. La copia que estás leyendo no es la versión oficial del libro. Authorize definition is - to endorse, empower, justify, or permit by or as if by some recognized or proper authority (such as custom, evidence, personal right,  authorize somebody to do something I have authorized him to act for me while I am away. The soldiers were authorized to shoot at will.