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The purpose of the conference is for participants to present new research results and exchange views on theoretical and applied engineering topics related to performance, economics, and environmental impact of energy conversion systems. ECOS 2021 will be held in in a hybrid mode. Italian regulations (updated to april 15, 2021), require that: a) To attend the conference on-site, participants must present a vaccination certificate (in original, signed and stamped by the responsible authorities) and/or a medical statement of immunity (either signed and stamped by an accredited 2021 ECOS Virtual Spring Meeting Navigating Change March 16 at 12:00-5:30 p.m. Eastern March 17 at 12:00-5:15 p.m. Eastern . Description.
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Sep 08, 2021 - Sep 09, 2021. ECOS 2021 will be held as follows. Put the dates down in your diary.
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Find more information at the above link to ECOS’ summary chart. The 2021 ECOS Spring Meeting will showcase many of these initiatives while marking the start of cooperative work with new U.S. EPA and congressional leaders. Notes: 1) To promote full audience participation during work hours in all U.S. time zones, ECOS will conduct separate webinars on other days for states-only business.