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Aarhus University, +1 more. Bjarne Lastein. Bjarne Lastein World Jumbo Captain at Air View the profiles of people named Camilla Lastein. Join Facebook to connect with Camilla Lastein and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power Camilla Hessellund Lastein, CEO og grundlægger af LIX Det første nederlag – og hvordan man kommer videre Men det skulle vise sig at blive hendes første ærgerlige oplevelse i livet som selvstændig. Vis profiler af personer, der hedder Camilla Lastein. Bliv medlem af Facebook, og få kontakt med Camilla Lastein og andre, du måske kender.

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Join Facebook to connect with Camilla Hessellund Lastein and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and About Camilla Hessellund Lastein. Camilla Hessellund Lastein is the founder and CEO of Lix, one of the biggest digital textbook catalogs in the world, having raised $7.5M in investments by the age of 24, working for the mission to make education accessible to everyone. Camilla Hessellund Lastein is the CEO and co-founder of Lix, a study app where college students can get affordable digital university textbooks. She manages a team of 30+ people and has raised $7.5M in investments for this company.

26-årige Camilla Hessellund Lastains stiftede virksomheden Lix, som er en slags Spotify for studiebøger, og er i dag adm.

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Camilla Hessellund Lastein is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Camilla Hessellund Lastein and others you may know.

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jun 2016 23-årige Camilla Hessellund Lastein, fik idéen til Lix Technologies, der svarer til Spotify for studiebøger, da hun studerede erhvervsøkonomi. 3. dec 2019 Camilla Hessellund Lastein er fortid i Lix Technology, som hun selv stiftede i 2013 og droppede ud af studiet for at passe. Bestseller-milliardær  CAMILLA HESSELLUND LASTEIN CEO AT LIX TECHNOLOGIES Linkedin.
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At just 24, Camilla Hessellund Lastein has quit university, gone bankrupt and taken on · IndyVenture  More videos on YouTube Camilla Hessellund Lastein started working on Lix in 2013, after deciding to quit her university studies in business economics, to be  That's the challenge Camilla Hessellund Lastein set out to address in 2012 when she set up the education startup Lix Technologies, a sort of Spotify for digital  2. dec 2019 I 2013 valgte Camilla Hessellund Lastein at opgive sit studie for at satse på iværksættervirksomheden Lix Technologies, der er en  Founded by Camilla Hessellund Lastein, Kasper Enggaard Krog in the year 2015 · Valued at $8.56M · North Media is among its shareholders · Online learning  28. nov 2019 Camilla Hessellund Lastein, 26 år, stifter og adm. direktør, Lix. Camilla Hessellund Lastein har efter udgivelsen af 100 kvinder på toppen forladt giver dig rolleinformation om Camilla Hessellund Lastein.

Med Join Facebook to connect with Camila Hegelund and others you may know. Facebook gives People named Camila Hegelund Camilla Hessellund Lastein. Det er blevet nemmere at studere!I hvert fald ifølge vores næste gæst - nemlig Camilla Hessellund Lastein, der er CEO i virksomheden Lix.Se/hør med og få  Our motto was suggested by Camilla Hessellund Lastein – who substantiated this by saying that this is exactly what the team is like – if there is a way, we will  På samma scen fick vi också se Isabella Löwengrip, Simon Sinek, Camilla Hessellund Lastein, och flera andra namnkunniga talare. Det som  Camilla Hessellund Lastein‏ @camillahlastein 18 May 2016.
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Join Facebook to connect with Camilla Hessellund Lastein and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and About Camilla Hessellund Lastein. Camilla Hessellund Lastein is the founder and CEO of Lix, one of the biggest digital textbook catalogs in the world, having raised $7.5M in investments by the age of 24, working for the mission to make education accessible to everyone.

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Camilla Hessellund Lastein is the founder and CEO of Lix, one of the biggest digital textbook catalogs in the world, having raised $7.5M in investments by the age of 24, working for the mission to make education accessible to everyone. Scandinavian Executive Publishing Meeting 2016Interview with Camilla Hessellund Lastein, Lix TechnologiesCamilla is founder & CEO of Lix Technologies. She co 23-årige Camilla Hessellund Lastein, fik idéen til Lix Technologies, der svarer til Spotify for studiebøger, da hun studerede erhvervsøkonomi.Kort tid inde i sit studie blev hun frustreret How to say Camilla Hessellund Lastein in English? Pronunciation of Camilla Hessellund Lastein with and more for Camilla Hessellund Lastein. Vores motto er foreslået af Camilla Hessellund Lastein – der som begrundelse gav, at det er præcis som Bel Air holdet er – er der en vej, så finder vi den… Danskejet helikopterselskab Bel Air er det eneste danskejede offshore helikopterselskab og har hovedbase på Esbjerg Lufthavn, hvorfra der bl.a.