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Alternative name( s):. Palmitoyl-protein hydrolase 1.
This Family and domain databases Protein synthesis is the assembly of amino acids into proteins. Types of RNA. The RNA produced during transcription is modified into 3 basic types: 1.
The left-handed, extended PPII helix represents the only frequently occurring regular structure . Natively unfolded proteins have a high content of the PPII helices identified by spectroscopic methods. PPII is favorable for protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions and plays a major role in signal • Most proteins contain more than one domain • Protein-protein interaction is mediated by domain-domain interaction for one or more domain pairs • High throughput experiments can discover interaction on protein-protein level. Can we deduct from it domain-domain interactions? Structure of Proteins There are 4 levels or orders of organization of the structure protein molecule: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. This complication gives the molecule its functional domain to explain its structure-function requirements that if changes due to mutation will give nonfunctional protein and, therefore, a disease.
The left-handed, extended PPII helix represents the only frequently occurring regular structure . Natively unfolded proteins have a high content of the PPII helices identified by spectroscopic methods.
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3. Central Dogma of Biology: Protein Synthesis occurs in two steps: 1) Transcription: DNA RNA 2) Translation The Pfam database is a large collection of protein domain. families.
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Most bacteria have a single SMC protein in individual species that forms a homodimer. [12] In a subclass of Gram-negative bacteria including Escherichia coli , a distantly related protein known as MukB plays an equivalent role. Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. 2002-02-25 2004-11-29 Protein knowledgebase. UniParc. Sequence archive.