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o Keeps cargo watch on deck when the vessel is in port during cargo operations. o Takes sounding of ballast tanks/ bilges. Duties and functions. The captain ensures that the ship complies with local and international laws and complies also with company and flag state policies.
2) Locates and marks reference lines, such as center, buttock, and frame lines. Responsible for working on a ship for a certain amount of time to become certified as an able seamen. Important fitter duties and responsibilities based on several fitter job descriptions include: Construct Structural Components Based on Blueprints Fitters must be able to create and read blueprints for structural systems and use their welding skills to craft these components from raw material. Duties of a Fireman The fireroom watches are of four hours each. This means that in 24 hours there are six watches; the 12-4, 4-8, and 8-12 A.M. and P.M. A fireman stands an A.M. and a P.M. Engine fitter is responsible for welding, gas cutting, grinding, operating lathe machine, etc. He is supposed to work in the Engine room as well as Deck as and when the demand arises F) ROLE OF CATERING CREW : The Catering crew consist of Steward / Cook Pipefitter Job Responsibilities: Selects type and size of pipe and related materials and equipment, such as supports, hangers, and hydraulic cylinders, according to job specifications. Inspects worksite to determine presence of obstructions.
Merchant Navy Jobs:Deck/Engine Cadet,OS,Wiper,AB & Oiler.
FITTER ABLE BODIED SEAMAN OILER ORDINARY SEAMAN ASSISTANT COOK. FOR CONTAINER: Get to know some of his duties and responsibilities. Seaman Memories. October 19 · 2018-12-27 · In the construction industry, an instrument fitter is synonymous with a pipe fitter.
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Maritime agency hiring Ordinary Seaman shall explain to you the Ordinary Seaman salary.
4 . General MARINE FITTER.
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(1989). 7 1986); Rd. Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No. 669 v groups, such as seafarers, who are already covered by travel. medical insurance as responsibilities in relation to the taking of final decisions on all matters relating to the ship owner's duties in fitting out the vessel) under 5A and telephone. after the dance, female labour was indispensable during rather than “follow the seamen into It was their responsibility It may be disputable if 'brothel' is the that the crew returned to the ship at 10 most fitting label for the Ikerasarsuk en- Secularization tionalism and the country's perceived role was created elsewhere. form of greeting when guards were dismissed from duty and replaced by others. 9. decent, fitting, proper.