Estland 1992 – Cute766


Myntkatalog [Katalog: Hela världen mynt Material: Nickelöverdraget

Kehtetu alates / Invalid from 15.01.2011 10 SENTI MÜNDID / COINS. 13. 14 Nimiväärtus / Denomination 20 senti Vermimise aasta / Year of minting 2008 Kaal / Weight 2,00 g Läbimõõt / Diameter 18,95 mm Sulam / Alloy nikeldatud terasmünt / Nickel-plated steel The World Coin Price Guide was independently compiled by Active Interest Media’s NumisMaster. In some cases, NGC has made adjustments or edits to the prices, descriptions and specifications. NGC makes the World Coin Price Guide available to its website visitors as a free service, but in no way does the information provided represent NGC’s official opinion or policy. Estonia 1 Sent, 2 Senti, 5 Senti 1929 to 1939 Estonia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. On the observe of the coin you can see three lions which form Estonia's coat of arms.

Eesti vabariik senti coin

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Comments. NOTE: different sizes of date letters due to different mint locations Type A: 1992 Estonia=medium Type B: 2004 Finland=thick Type C: 2006 UK=thickest Type D: 2007: France=narrow 1928 25 Senti Reform Coinage (TK EESTI VABARIIK 25 SENTI -1928-) KM# 9 coin and its complete list of years and varieties with prices and values. Photos, metal, purity and weight included 1931 5 Senti Reform Coinage (1931 EESTI VABARIIK 5 VIIS SENTI) KM# 11 coin and its complete list of years and varieties with prices and values. Photos, metal, purity and weight included 50 SENTI / EESTI VABARIIK 1936 Coin value - $8-12 . 20 senti 1935 nickel-bronze 20 SENTI / EESTI VABARIIK 1935 Coin value - $2-4 .

The World Coin Price Guide was independently compiled by Active Interest Media’s NumisMaster. In some cases, NGC has made adjustments or edits to the prices, descriptions and specifications. NGC makes the World Coin Price Guide available to its website visitors as a free service, but in no way does the information provided represent NGC’s official opinion or policy.

Myntkatalog [Katalog: Hela världen mynt Material: Nickelöverdraget

Legend: EESTI VABARIIK: Full text: EESTI VABARIIK: Translation: Translated from Estonian: Republic of Estonia. This legend has been displayed on the coinage of Estonia since 1922 (during the first republic until 1940, then again after the country regained independence since 1991).

Eesti vabariik senti coin

Estniska kroon EEK och Svenska kronor SEK Valutakursen

Eesti vabariik senti coin

In 1992, coins were introduced (some dated 1991) in denominations of 5, 10, 20 & 50 senti, as well as 1 kroon. The 1 kroon was struck in cupronickel , the others in aluminum-bronze. However, in 1997, nickel-plated steel 20 senti were introduced, followed by aluminum-bronze 1 kroon in 1998. 5 senti coins were not issued after 1994 but were still legal tender. Estonian: Eesti Vabariik 100 senti (single: sent) = 1 Estonian kroon (plural: krooni) [EEK] (until 2011) On the 50 senti and 5 krooni coin of 1993 a rotated 'M' can be found on some of the coins.

Estonia 50 Senti KM# 24 1992 .
Journalist lundy

Eesti vabariik senti coin

20 senti 1935 nickel-bronze 20 SENTI / EESTI VABARIIK 1935 Coin value - $2-4 . 10 senti 1931 nickel-bronze 10 SENTI / EESTI VABARIIK 1931 Coin value - $2-4 . 5 senti 1931 bronze Eesti Vabariik on riik Põhja-Euroopas.Eesti piirneb põhjas üle Soome lahe Soomega, läänes üle Läänemere Rootsiga, lõunas Lätiga ning idas Venemaaga.. Eesti pindala on tänapäeval 45 339 ruutkilomeetrit, teise maailmasõja eel oli see praegusest suurem.

NGC makes the World Coin Price Guide available to its website visitors as a free service, but in no way does the information provided represent NGC’s official opinion or policy.
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13. 14 Nimiväärtus / Denomination 20 senti Vermimise aasta / Year of minting 2008 1 Algselt plaaniti vermida ka 1- kuni 50-penniseid münte, kuid käibele jõudsid vaid 1-, 3-, 5- ja 10-margased mündid. Eessõna 2. köide – mündid Käesolevasse köitesse on koondatud teave käibe- ja meenemün-

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item 3 estonia 50 senti 1992 unc eesti vabariik,national arms divide date,denomination 2 - estonia 50 senti 1992 unc eesti vabariik,national arms divide date,denomination $2.35 +$3.25 shipping Coins with the same design were minted in 1990, but they are not legal tender, having been produced as souvenirs. One version is even less original, having a diameter of only 16 mm and on the front the inscription "Eesti" instead of "Eesti Vabariik".